Why I Make My Bed Everyday

“If you want to change the world, make your bed,” said Admiral William H. McRaven.

Making your bed is a small accomplishment that can help you in the long run- if you do it every day. If you set this as a first task of the day, this will give you a sense of pride.  

When I make my bed, I get inspired to keep up productivity in my day. Perhaps going to the gym or even getting up to do my makeup and start the day.

According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, people who make their bed are more likely to be productive and are 19% more likely to have a good night’s sleep.

No one is perfect and everyone has off days. 

Sometimes you wake up and it’s just a bad day. Especially now with COVID, as students we are forced to do things that aren’t necessarily a routine. Lack of a sound schedule can affect our moods from day to day. 

By making your bed, it’ll help you feel better. At least something in your life is in order- that’s how I used to feel.

Let’s say you’ve had a terrible day, when you come home, your bed is made and ready for you to lay on. Encouragement can come from this and you’ll know that tomorrow will be a better day. 

One task completed could turn to more tasks completed and the next thing you know, you’ve had a productive day all because you made your bed.