September is National Suicide Awareness month, a month dedicated to suicide awareness, suicide prevention and to a month meant to highlight ways we can help our community who are silently suffering from depression and suicidal ideation.
In honor of National Suicide Awareness month, College of the Sequoias has invited guest speaker Kevin Hines to talk at the COS Theatre on Thursday, September 5th, at 7 p.m.
Hines is a storyteller, best-selling author, speaker, and a documentary filmmaker. Most importantly though, Hines is a survivor. In 2000, just a little over a month after his 19th birthday, Hines tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. He miraculously survived the steep fall and stayed alive thanks to a friendly sea lion that helped keep him afloat. Hines now, dedicates his life to suicide awareness and helping people who are currently suffering or knows someone suffering with depression and suicidal thoughts.
The Campus Journal spoke with Hines this week and he provided essential advice to anyone currently struggling with depression. He said, “Keep going. Keep fighting. This life is worth living. And if you don’t believe that, right now, with a little bit of hard work, you can, and you will”.
If you would like to hear the inspirational Kevin Hines, he will be speaking on Thursday, September 5th, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the COS Theatre. The discussion is free, and to receive tickets all you need to do is register here:
Kevin Hines Story # Be Here Tomorrow
The COS Student Health Center would like to invite you, your colleagues, family and friends to hear Kevin Hines, a well-known public speaker and suicide survivor. Kevin will share his story of healing, hope, resilience and wellness. The program is free to the public.
And remember, as Kevin Hines says, “#BeHereTomorrow and every day after that.”