What Is Your Favorite Amusement Park And Why?

Ayris Zamudio
“Disneyland, Duh….because I love going and feeling like a kid, even if it’s just for a little while.” Jacquelyn Gutierrez, 20, Psychology Major

“My favorite amusement park is probably six flags because it’s close, affordable, and you get the same thrill on a rollercoaster you would at Disneyland or Knotts berry farm.”
Nicholas Lambert, 20, Theatre Major

“Knotts Berry Farm, it’s low key underrated, great rides, fun games, and the lines aren’t extremely long any time of the week you go.”
Genavee Garcia, 20, Psychology and Plant Science Major

“My favorite amusement park is Disneyland because no matter what I always feel like im in the happiest place on earth. It brings me joy and even makes me forget the stress and life struggles that I have.”
Allison Munoz, 20, Law Major