Need Help With Adult Tasks? Rob Kenny Is Here To Help


Rob Kenny demonstrating how to change car oil.

Have you heard of Rob Kenny? If you haven’t yet, you probably will soon.

He has become Dad to 2.71 million subscribers on his YouTube Channel called “Dad, How do I”. Created to help others understand tasks usually demonstrated by fathers. This sparked out of his own need to look for simple every day instructions he should have received from his own absent father.

Kenny’s father wasn’t around to help him learn things like tying his tie, shaving, and changing a tire. He had to look for answers from others around him, like his older siblings, roommates, and family friends. He got by and learned and then was able to hold close relationships with his now adult children; teaching them everything he mostly learned on the fly. 

However, in April 2020 he uploaded his first youtube video. “I thought I was just going to help 30 or 40 people, and that’s honest..just a handful of subscribers,” he says in a virtual interview with ABC7 News. Yet, over the last six months the subscribers have exploded and nearing 3 million.

His videos cover everything from starting a campfire, ironing a dress shirt, and unclogging a sink to his “Dad Chat” series where he sends proud praises or his story time child book readings.

I just wanted a place where people can find answers to the things they need” and his “kids,” as he now calls his subscribers, are asking for plenty of “how do I” suggestions to keep him busy helping many of those who need it.

You can find Kenny’s Youtube channel here.