Your Voice Matters: The Campus News Will Be Accepting Letters to the Editor

Your Voice Matters: The Campus News Will Be Accepting Letters to the Editor

We at The Campus News have been sharing our opinions and news stories for over a month now and feel that our readers voices should also be heard. If you have a strong opinion on something our reporters wrote or a story that’s been featured on the site you can now send us your thoughts and feedback through our email, [email protected].

A select few letters will be proofread and go on the site for you and everyone else to read.

Commenting on the site is still available and only true, and fair, letters to the editor will appear on the site. Any false accusations or rudeness for the sake of rudeness will not be tolerated. Threats or any illegal activity will be reported to the Campus Police.

To send us a letter contact us by email and title your email “Letter to the Editor.” The Campus News will not visit any links or download any documents or files so please just write in the space provided by your email.

Your feedback is always greatly appreciated and helps us improve our site and give ideas or insight into other views that should be heard. We thank you for visiting our site and welcome your input.