Rose Watamura, Campus Features Writer
Hello, my name is Rose Watamura. I am a broadcast journalism major here at the College of the Sequoias campus. I've been attending COS since Spring of 2023. My first major was child development, but I decided to take a different route in my career choice. Writing has always been a big part of my life, not just physically but therapeutically as well. We all have something we don’t wanna talk about, so what do we do? We write it down. Being a part of the COS news class has given me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and get to know my college peers around me. What's their story, how can I help them, and how can I make an impact on their community? With so many questions to ask, journalism gives me that push to get out there. My next goal is to transfer to Fresno State Fall of 2025 to continue my broadcast journalism and one day be part of the ABC, FOX, and Good Morning America news cast. If you see me on campus, don't hesitate to stop by and introduce yourself. look out for my next article on our Campus Journal.