Every year millions of Americans, including some COS students, spend Valentine’s Day alone. The Spring season hits you smack dab in the face with the ever-growing fear that you might be by your lonesome for the rest of your life. But it does not have to be this way! February can roll itself around again and bring that vibrant and vivacious day of love to your doorstep. Regardless if you are spending the day with your significant other or have absolutely no plans whatsoever, come down to the Quad this February 14th!
For you folks who attend the Visalia campus, the GIANT Hearts event, presented by the Student Senate, starts at 10 a.m. on Valentine’s Day and will end at 2 p.m. Four hours of fun-filled activities to help alleviate that existential dread that comes with being this far into the semester.
Take your mind off the stress of the paper you have due at midnight by making some cookies or creating a wonderful Valentine’s card to send to your mom so you can get more tuition money.
You can even enjoy a nice meal from Cali’s Tacos, Sol Bowl Açaí, D’s Thai, and more. Make some new friends or share a wonderful and heartfelt moment with that special someone in your life this Wednesday on the Visalia campus.
Thanks to COS’ very own Student Senate for making this event possible. Rihanna Soto of the student body states that their whole goal is to “spread love on campus” in an effort to bring together a diverse community.
Being a part of something more is extremely important for the Student Senate. Member Jay Jordan shares an idea that is common amongst the campus’ elected student leaders: he believes that, “no one needs to be alone” especially on the year’s day of love. Be on the lookout for more upcoming events.