A Trophy Father’s Trophy Daughter by Sirena Silva
Editor’s note: This is the second submission by Sirena Silva
Photo by Aidan Roof from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pair-of-shoes-hanging-on-electric-wire-2927854/
Photo via Aidan Roof on Pexels
“A Trophy Father’s Trophy Daughter is an incredibly personal poem that I wrote about my relationship with my father.”

A Trophy Father’s Trophy Daughter
A sense of longing
That will never be fulfilled
And a childlike fragility that keeps me captive
Unable to move on
I mourned you long before the changing seasons
Before vibrant green and sweet-smelling blossoms
Turned to crackling, roaring red fires and peppermint
I confessed to a love that didn’t exist
To give you peace that you didn’t deserve
While all you gave me was this knife in my chest
That twists and turns to the hilt
I’ve buried you deep within me
In a place that’s dark and untouched
Only the most ghastly and grim demons lay there
Sealed in tight, never to be set free
They say time heals all wounds
But this gaping hold only swells in size
It grows more tender as the years go by
I can’t think of how different things could have been
If you had only led me towards the burning, bright light
I can only try to understand
The path you chose as your grave