Are Our Veterans Under Appreciated?
With Veteran’s Day quickly approaching, it is difficult to know that our veterans are underappreciated for the rest of the 364 days of the year.

Bobby Garcia
Student Veterans Julian Fernandez Student Veteran (left), Justin Martinez (mid left), Student Student Workers at the Veterans Resource Center/Veterans Shayne Nicholas (mid), Edgar Gomez (mid right), and Political Science Professor/Veteran Juan Arzola (right) at the Veterans Resource Center, Sequoia Building, Room 106
As the greatest country in the world, why do we have Veterans without healthcare, losing their homes, unemployed, homeless? Not to mention most of their problems started because they chose to protect this great country.
After speaking with multiple people ranging from active duty, veterans and people from military families, I learned that although they are largely appreciated on social media, news casts, and portrayed as “good guys” on television, in real life they receive nothing.
For most veterans, serving their country was an honor and at the time they weren’t thinking about how their country would treat them in the years to come. When they are injured, killed and unable to serve our country any longer, depending on their rank most times they are forgotten and passed along in the Veteran’s Affairs or VA system.
After knowing this, make an effort to show Veterans and active duty military how much they are appreciated. Although the government seems to sweep them under the rug when they need help, our communities can help pick up the pieces.