Ramadan is halfway over and some College of the Sequoias students are in the middle of celebrating this holy month. Ramadan is signified as the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. During this month, participating Muslims begin their daily fast during the daylight hours of each day. Ramadan began on the evening of February 28th and expected to end on Sunday evening, March 30th. After which, Eid al-Fitr begins “Festival of Breaking the Fast.”
Interestingly, the start and end of Ramadan falls on different dates every year. The Islamic calendar follows the cycles of the moon; therefore, each month begins when the new moon is sighted. Although the start of Ramadan is often calculated beforehand, it is not confirmed until the day before.
Fasting during this holiday is also known to elevate the spirit. The practice of abstinence from foods, drinks, sexual and/or vulgar activities is said to aid the spirit since these are seen as worldly needs/desires. Alongside fasting, another practice is eating a pre-dawn meal referred to as Suhoor, and another post-sunset meal known as Iftar to end the fast for that day. Muslims also practice extra worship such as: late night terawih prayers performed by Sunni Muslims, the practice of i’tikaf – a spiritual retreat in a mosque, and many even take part in charitable donation known as “zakat al-Fitr” which is given to less fortunate so that they as well can enjoy the festival of Eid al-Fitr.
The month of Ramadan is when the Prophet Muhammad received the teachings of the Quaran, the Islamic Holy Book, that serves as a guide between right and wrong, as well as a guide for human beings. The practice of fasting during this holy month is one of the five pillars that are critical to Islamic faith. This not only allows for self-contemplation, but it also increases one’s awareness of those who suffer, gaining a larger appreciation of their lives.