College of the Sequoias Annual Grad Fest is rapidly approaching! If you’re a student graduating this semester, be sure to head over to the Student Activities & Affairs Office to sign up to partake in the Graduation Ceremony, and purchase your graduation attire. At Grad Fest you can also purchase other graduation gear such as a class ring, class sweatshirts and more! The Access & Ability Center will also be there, providing accommodations for the Commencement Ceremony.
The Transfer and Career Center will also be attending and allowing students who are transferring to sign up for College Signing Day. Grad Fest will be held on all three campuses, with COS Hanford’s Grad Fest being held in the Hanford Bookstore on March 18th from 9am-3pm. COS Tulare campus is next with their Grad Fest being held March 19th from 9am-3pm in the Tulare Bookstore. Last but not least, the Visalia campus will be holding their grad fest March 21st from 9am-3am in the Visalia Bookstore.