College of the Sequoias students and other Central Valley residents getting new phone numbers will also have a new area code in the near future. As of February 26th, residents of the Valley must adjust the way they make phone calls in the 559 area. In counties such as Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced and Tulare, the California Public Utilities Commission approved an area code overlay– the process of adding another area code. This means that the 357 area code will be used as well as the current 559 area code. While previous phone customers won’t have to change their existing area code, starting on March 26th, 2025, new phone lines may be assigned 357 as their area code once the remaining 559 numbers have been taken.
According to the California Public Utilities Commission’s websites, “to complete calls from a cellular or mobile phone, callers may dial area code + telephone number or 1 + area code + telephone number whenever placing a call from a phone number with the 559 or 357 area code.” While callers were previously able to make phone calls within the area using only seven digits, it is now required to dial area code+phone number going forward. These changes also affect any kind of automated call services, such as voicemail, security alarms, medical alert systems and speed dialers, so it is necessary to reprogram them if they have not been updated already. Landline phones must still dial a 1 before placing a call. It is also recommended to check your contact information used on websites or for business and update them to the 1+10-digit number. Any calls made without using this method will result in an incomplete call, and callers will be directed to hang up.
While residents adjust to these changes, they can be reassured that important 3-digit services will be unaffected. Numbers such as 911, 988, 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 and 811 will only require a three-digit input for a call to go through, provided the services are available where the caller is located. On top of this, the prices of phone calls and coverage rates will not be affected by the area code overlay. You can visit the California Public Utilities Commission website for more information at the California Public Utilities Commission.