The highly anticipated film adaptation of Wicked (2024) is a dazzling visual and musical spectacle. Based on the beloved musical and novel by Gregory Maguire, the film explores the unlikely friendship between Elphaba, the “Wicked” Witch of the West and Glinda, the Good Witch, offering an alternative take on the classic tale, The Wizard of Oz.
Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba and Ariana Grande as Glinda give the audience spectacular performances to indulge in. Erivo brings emotional depth to the role of the misunderstood witch, while Grande shines with her charm and comedic timing. Throughout the film, the chemistry between the two is electric, making their complex relationship feel authentic and heartfelt.
Although there was first concern when word got out that the movie-musical would be split into two acts. Yet Wicked manages to wrap everything up beautifully, with a perfect balance of emotional depth and thrilling musical moments in the first act. The film highlights themes of justice, acceptance, and friendship throughout the movie, which resonates with modern audiences.
The film is a visual feast, with stunning set designs and costumes that perfectly reflect the contrast between Elphaba’s darker world and Glinda’s more glamorous one. Some glamorous aspects of Glinda’s accessories include a dazzling glitter scepter that steals the show during the opening sequence.
Wicked is a visually immersive, emotionally resonant film that will leave you breathless. With its incredible production, unforgettable music, and powerhouse performances, it’s a must-see. Hold space for this film, and don’t run… fly to the theaters.