With the beginning of a new semester, come the hurdles of new classes. Those classes offer their own sets of new experiences some may have never experienced before. Luckily, there’s someone here to help. On the southeast side of the College of the Sequoias’ Visalia Campus is the Education Support Services (ESS) building. This building gives the COS campus an incredible modern look.
This week, the Campus Journal spoke with James Alvin, the ESS’s lead coordinator. Alvin explained all the ESS’s essential services, such as the Writing Center, Math Lab, Language Center, and the Tutorial Center. Each center is staffed with student tutors. The ESS building is also equipped with study rooms and offers study materials such as anatomical models and microscopes. These services are free to every current COS student and no appointment is necessary. The ESS Building is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information on the building and all the services they offer, visit their page on the COS website:
COS | Educational Support Services-Tutorial Services
C OS students in Hanford, Tulare and Visalia can get free help from qualified peer tutors, staff and faculty in a variety of subjects! Face-to-face and online tutoring available for most subjects offered. Click on the different links to explore tutoring options. Tulare: Building A, upstairs in Library Visalia: Educational Support Services Building Are available in the Visalia Educational Support Services building during building hours.
Nestled in the back of the ESS building is the Student Success Center. Madison Dias, a coordinator at the Student Success Center, explained the vision of the Student Success program at COS: “We are here to offer help to students and mentor them during their time here at COS.” The Student Success Center is a program that students are encouraged to apply to in order to receive all the help and resources that are available. For information on how to apply and everything they offer, you can visit their page here:
COS | Student Success Program
The Student Success Program provides services to assist students in meeting their educational goals through academic, career, and personal counseling, workshops, individual and group support meetings.