For students heading into healthcare, making connections can be an extremely beneficial tool to garner both professional and personal support systems. Luckily, at a college like COS, there are a multitude of options to expand the pools which those connections can be made from. One such option is the COS Healthcare Mix N’ Mingle, organized by the Pre-Healthcare Student Association and Career Technical Education, and taking place on March 22nd, 12 PM-2 PM in the Moro Gym.
While the event focuses on students within the fields of Biology, Chemistry, EMT/Paramedic, Engineering, Math/Science, Physics, Physical Therapy, or Nursing, it is open to all students who are interested in learning more about the healthcare programs and opportunities provided by COS. Students will have a chance to learn more about local healthcare careers, hear from professionals, and even find a mentor.
Beyond the opportunities for educational career growth, it will be a chance for students to interact with peers from a variety of majors who all have a similar motivation and passion for healthcare. It can also be a helpful event for anyone generally interested in healthcare, whether you are just beginning your journey or nearing graduation.
For more information or questions on the event, you can email Tess Hernandez at [email protected].
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