Spring Registration is Open!

Via COS website

Spring registration is among us here at the College of the Sequoias, students can sign up for their summer and fall classes of 2022. Those in the EOPS program get to register earlier.

Registering for your classes is simple all one has to do is look over their Student Educational Plan through one’s MyGiant Portal. Once a student knows what classes are taking this upcoming semester they can head over to the College of the Sequoias website to the class search icon on the front page.

On the class search, a student can look through the subject, the course number, the location, and whether they would like the option for online learning. After imputing all the information a student can then look at the classes that are available, what professors are teaching that class, as well as, check if the class is full or not.

Students often find the website Ratemyprofessors.com to be a very helpful site when it comes to selecting a professor. The site shows a professors rating all written by students who have attended the class.

After selecting a professor the class schedules page will have a course number corresponding to the professor one prefers. Going back to the banner web under the student services tab, registration will be the first thing a student will want to select to be able to add the course.

Once registration is selected, add or drop classes will be at the top of the second page and it will be where one can input the course number from the class schedules page after selecting a term they would like to register for.