COS Student Flu Clinic on the 29th
Free Vaccinations For Cos Students
COS Student Flu Clinic on the 29th
The COS Nursing Program is holding a free Student Flu Clinic on the Visalia campus Quad from 8A.M. to 1P.M. to assist students in getting their Flu vaccine.
The event happens every year during flu season, and according to Carolyn Childers has been going for 7 to 8 years, maybe longer.
With this free option available it is important to think about the amount of students willing to get vaccinated.
Childers thinks most students at COS, “are amenable towards it” because, “this year it is more important.” Many students have been personally affected by Covid-19, which has opened their eyes to preventing other viruses as well.
This is important because the Student Flu Clinic administers 200-300 flu vaccines each year. This year however, vaccines and viruses are on everyone’s mind.
Though she also suggested why students may be avoiding getting their flu shot, “Misperceptions that the flu shots can give them the flu, which is not true.” She explained that the flu virus that is inside the vaccine is dead, which can lead to very minor reactions. The main reason why people may claim to get sick after getting their flu vaccination is because they were already coming down with something prior to.
The other reason has more of a social reasoning. There are stigmas going around that vaccines are something more than they really are, a method of preventing illness. Are more students going to show up to the event?
“It could go either way because there is a lot of political controversy about vaccinations right now,” Childers stated in conclusion. These few reasons however, should not be scaring students away from getting a vaccine.
The CDC is the one regulating vaccination outputs, and they prioritize schools because of how many people are actually involved in them, not just students. When one student gets the flu without noticing, they could spread it to classmates, family, and school faculty. This is why we have a designated flu season.
On May 6th 2021 the CDC released a guide for School Administrators during the upcoming flu season stating, “Each day, about 55 million students and 7 million staff attend the more than 130,000 public and private schools in the United States. By implementing the recommendations in this document, schools can help protect one-fifth of the country’s population from flu.” This shows the true effects that the flu has on the population through schools.
Even without the flu shot the CDC recommends taking precautions towards fighting off the flu.
CDC Flu Prevention Recommendations
Staying home when sick
Carrying supplies such as tissue and sanitizers
Considering more frequent hand hygiene
Keeping hands away from the face
Routinely cleaning surfaces
The main reason behind the Student Flu Clinic is that students will have easy access to flu vaccinations. If they want to get one. Veronica Dominguez, a parent and COS student presents her thoughts on the vaccine.
“In my opinion the flu shot is a very good option for us. My kids and I get the flu vaccination every year. The reason why is because it does protect my kids from getting a very bad flu.” Veronica’s children have severe asthma, so she gets them vaccinated to prevent the worst effects of getting the flu.
Though she is working and can’t get off the day of the Student Flu Clinic, she was thinking about going. It is a great opportunity for those who can go and those who are still deciding.
She too thinks that negative social theories have led people to have distrust about vaccines, “they don’t believe in the Covid vaccine and that has affected the trust in flu vaccine too.” Prevented measures however are available and like this one, it doesn’t cost much.
The Student Flu Clinic is an opportunity to protect your family, classmates, and yourself from the flu virus, which could leave you feeling sick for weeks.