Everyone Should Detox From Social Media
Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Three of the Top Social Media Applications
Tiktok. Instagram. Twitter. Snapchat. These are sites that many college students are hooked on and use daily. Is it the perfect time to detox from social media? Yes, it is perfect timing because apps have become a major outlet for people to take their frustrations out on. With so much time on people’s hands, it’s the easiest way to forget troubles and get lost in the countless photos and conversations that come in these applications.
Social media sites can be filled with positivity and cheer a day up, but do you call it quits when post after post is filled with negativity? Would you be able to cut social media out of your life when you think it’s time? Social media detoxing has become fairly popular within the past few months of quarantine. The process is simple, delete all forms of media from your devices and find other ways to spend your time. The length of time an individual has a break from social media varies from person to person, it can go from one month to an entire year, and eventually, changes in lifestyle can start to appear.
Some view social media as a drug; people use it for a few minutes every day and start relying on following other people’s lives for gratification. Soon, those few minutes a day turn to hours at a time watching others and they start adding up in a person’s life; forcing them to constantly be checking their phone every few seconds to see someone’s new bag or new pair of shoes. These hours continue stacking taking away a person’s focus on their own health and surroundings and instead guides the viewers to focus on what’s trending.
Detoxing from social media should be encouraged, it will help not only cleanse your mind from online negativity, it will also help build your own self-confidence. By not looking at other posts of people’s quarantine bodies, you learn to appreciate your own looks and you gain new skills and habits. By doing this detox, it will for sure change your life for the better and you won’t be dependent on scrolling past posts on social media.