Updates Due to COVID-19

Based on guidance from the State Chancellor’s Office, the deadline for virtual instruction has been extended from April 13 to May 22, the end of the Spring semester.

This time has proved to be challenging for our community as well as students, teachers and staff at COS. Some ways to stay informed are your COS email and Canvas. Remember, there are services to help you be successful during this time.

COS has built a resource page with quick and easy access to many of your questions. View the resources page on the website, by clicking on the red banner running across the top of the page.

The Health Center and the Giant Nutrition Pantry have free resources available for basic needs, health and well being. You can access these resources by clicking on this link: https://www.cos.edu/en-us/student-life/health-services/

During this time it is important to come together as a community to get through this pandemic. If you need further resources, you can access them by clicking on the red banner on the COS website or by following this link: https://www.cos.edu/en-us/cos-alternate-forms-of-instruction