The Invisible Man: Universal Studios is Doing Something Right

The Invisible Man is a breath of fresh air to Universal Studios and the character itself. The film stars Elisabeth Moss as Cecilia Kass, a woman on the run from her abusive boyfriend, played by Oliver Jackson-Cohen. After finding out her boyfriend committed suicide she is haunted by something, or someone she can’t see.
The best thing that this movie does is its camerawork. There are several scenes where the camera is pointing at a seemingly empty spot in a room or in some cases there are wide shots where there are big empty spaces. The movie is always conveying the feeling that Cecilia is never alone and she is always being watched. That is this film’s biggest strength and a creative way to handle horror on a smaller budget.
The Invisible Man handles horror much better than most movies. There are jump scares, but they are never cheap in the sense that it is predictable when it’s going to happen and serves nothing, but to get the audience to scream. The jump scares in The Invisible Man always have a rather long buildup and it does pay off. The best part is the tension never leaves after the jumpscare.
Elisabeth Moss gives an incredible performance and truly sells the part of an abuse victim trying to move on from her trauma. Later on in the film, she also sells the part of a distraught victim trying to get people to believe her. She makes me feel for her and if she didn’t sell any part of her role, the movie would not work.
What Universal Studios is doing now with its roster of classic monster movies is certainly paying off both creatively and financially. If the Invisible Man is any indication of their future monster films, then Universal Studios is heading in the right direction.