COS Tennis Club: New Leadership

Arlyn Mendoza

Tennis Club VP Christopher Palmer (left) & President Nicholas Alconcher

The College of the Sequoias Tennis club is currently under new management. The previous club president and founder L.D. McGinty graduated last semester and turned over leadership of the College of the Sequoias Tennis Club to his Vice-President, Nick Alconcher.

“I plan to work hard to ensure the continuation of our campus tennis club to make it fun for all its members,” Alconcher said.

The tennis club meets every Friday morning on the Visalia Campus Tennis Courts from 10 a.m. to noon. The club is open to all COS students and faculty, no experience is necessary. Its stated goal is to have fun learning how to play tennis. New members are matched up with other players of the same skill level. More experienced tennis players help other club members with the basics. The Tennis Club never takes a day off including Fridays, holidays and during the summer.

The Tennis Club is sponsored by  its advisor Coach Johnson and co-sponsored by the college nurse, Cynthia Norvall. R.N Norvall has been faithfully sponsoring the campus tennis club since its inception.

“Our COS Tennis Club is a great opportunity for members to properly learn the sport of tennis,”Johnson said. “And the club is a healthy way to get some exercise,” Norvall added.

McGinty started the COS Tennis Club three years ago, because after attending tennis class, there is no other place on campus to play tennis. With the exception of the COS Women’s Tennis team, COS has not funded a Men’s Tennis team in years.

The club is always looking for new members of all levels of experience, said Alconcher. “All are welcome,” he said.