Featured Photo: Student Activities and Affairs Giving Free Pizza on Campus 1/22
Eric Galan
“Everyone who takes 6 units or more pays for their sticker. We encourage students to use their benefits to the fullest while they have it.” Activities and Affairs Director Debbie Douglas (Left) and student worker Blas Rodriguez (right)
Student Activities and Affairs were out giving free pizza to the first 150 students with an activity benefits sticker.

Activity benefits sticker provides students with discounts, scholarships, and free food on and off campus. Stickers can be purchased online with student tuition or at Student Activities and Affairs in the Giant Forest Building.

Student Activities and Affairs will be out next week, Jan 30th, from 12-2p.m. giving out free soup for students with their activities and benefits sticker. They will also be hosting a tailgate before the Men’s Basketball game Wed, Feb 19th, in front of the Porter Field House on the COS Visalia Campus.