The Reader Gallery Review

Basins and Tapestry Piece, oil on board.

Melodie AubinElliot

Basins and Tapestry Piece, oil on board.

The Reader, the works by artist Suzanne Dittenber opened Tues, Nov. 14th at the COS art gallery. Dittenber’s work exists in a space between representation and allegory.

Melodie AubinElliot
Vacuity piece Hydrostone price $550

Dittenber’s works have been shown internationally and throughout the united states and at one time were shown at the Indianapolis art center and many college campus art galleries including Dartmouth. Her works for lovers of reading are especially special. Suzanne has been awarded many grants for her artwork spanning from the US to grants from France and British institutions.

The works are paintings created by oil on boards, and there is some hydro stonework as well.

Her work is the parsing of books and magazines as physical objects from their expected use as vehicles of communication, these simple objects become containers for questions about how knowledge is expressed. To approach printed media as a subject manner is to engage ideas of story and setting. These works merely suggest internal intellectual landscapes and psychological narratives.

Art work titled Pause

The piece pause is an oil on board priced at $750, which is a bright and soothing image of the paper. Not defined as a book or magazine. Just paper folded which is allegorically beautiful if an avid reader thinks deeper about it.

Dittenberg’s works can be seen at the COS gallery the month of November Tues-Thurs 11 a.m.-4 p.m. and Mon or Fri by appointment. Email Amie Rangel for purchase information.

Melodie AubinElliot
Veneration piece oil on board