Why I Love Photography

Photography allows me to see things others wouldn’t normally notice.

melodie aubinelliot

Photography allows me to see things others wouldn’t normally notice.

Photography doesn’t have many people in wheelchairs. Or at least you don’t hear about many photographers stuck in wheelchairs. But that’s why I love it so much. Photography allows me to show everyone viewing my work how I see the world. It helped me rebuild my self esteem and find the drive to want to make something of myself, which I do on my Instagram page I created @new.level.photography.

Bobby Garcia
Andrew Hew, Millerton. Lake Ca, Aug. 2


Photography has allowed me to capture the most amazing moments of my life in which I cannot return to. It’s my little escape from reality; my me time.

Bobby Garcia
Flowers on the COS Visalia Campos, Sept 18th

Photography is limitless thus allowing me to be creative in endless ways only using my mind and soul. My whole family has been into it for years. Photography is in my blood. I was born to do this. It is my calling; my passion even.


Alondra Garcia, Fresno County, May 4

Photography gave me the ability to convey emotions and feelings that my words couldn’t, pictures are really worth a thousand words. As Gilles Peress put it

Promenade Santa Monica Sept 1

“I don’t trust words. I trust pictures.”

Bobby Garcia
Santa Monica Harbor Sept 1

Photography allows me to see things I wouldn’t normally notice. Because I’m constantly in that photographer mind set looking for something to catch my eye things seem to look different. It’s given me new life.

Bobby Garcia
Hidden Valley Park, Hanford Ca, Aug. 19
Bobby Garcia
Huntington Lake, Aug. 9